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If you are experiencing an emergency, call 911
Frequently Used Numbers:
   Airport noise complaint   253-333-6821   
   Auburn Main Line 253-931-3000   
   Building inspection   253-931-3020   
   Building permit   253-931-3020   
   Business license   253-804-5011   
   City code   253-931-3039   
   City main line 253-931-3000   
   Community Development   253-931-3090   
   Concealed pistol license   253-931-3080   
   Construction projects - Engineering   253-931-3010   
   Court - King County District Court South   800-325-6165 or 206-205-9200   
   Crime 253-288-2121 OR 911 IF EMERGENCY   
   Drug activity   253-288-2121   
   Economic Development   253-215-8744   
   Emergency Preparedness   253-876-1925   
   Employment/Job Openings      
   Facility reservation   253-931-3043   
   Fingerprinting   253-931-3080   
   Garbage/Recycling   253-931-3047   
   Golf - Auburn Golf Course tee times   253-833-2350   
   Graffiti hotline   253-931-3048   
   Human Services   253-294-6429   
   Jail (SCORE South)   206-257-6200   
   Mayor & City Council   253-931-3041   
   Mountain View Cemetery   253-931-3028   
   Museum   253-288-7433   
   Neighborhood Services   253-876-1924   
   Nuisance/Problem property   253-931-3020   
   Office of Equity   253-876-1924   
   Passport   253-931-3039   
   Permit status   253-931-3020   
   Pet license   253-876-1997   
   Planning   253-931-3090   
   Police Front Desk   253-931-3080   
   Police non-emergency line 253-288-2121   
   Police Public Information Officer   253-285-7657   
   Pothole   253-931-3048   
   Public Information Officer   253-804-5029   
   Public record   253-931-3039   
   Public Works - Engineering   253-931-3010   
   Public Works - Maintenance & Operations   253-931-3048   
   Real Estate Line 253-288-4325   
   Recreation programs and classes   253-931-3043   
   Senior Activity Center   253-931-3016   
   Sewer   253-931-3048   
   Storm drainage   253-931-3048   
   Street sign   253-931-3048   
   Suspicious activity 253-288-2121   
   Theater & Performing Arts Tickets   253-931-3043   
   Traffic signal   253-804-5068 (after business hours 253-288-2121)   
   Utility bill   253-931-3038   
   Water   253-931-3048   
   Zoning   253-931-3090